Rabu, 12 Mei 2010

Indonesia Foods - Sup Zupa-Zupa

Zupa Soup Zupa (Soup Zupa)
Puff pastry is ready to buy, cut, you tipiskan the box, depending on the size of the tank.
Ingredients mushroom soup, cream:
75g margarineBw 75 g onion, chopped200g mushrooms, chopped small box.30g flour600 ml broth2 v. Tea Mustard Dressing1 teaspoon salt2.1 tsp pepper100 ml cream (whipped cream)
Sauteed mushrooms Material:
1 tablespoon margarine50 ounces mushrooms, thinly Paris.
Directorate:1 .. Heat margarine fry onion until soft and it is, give the mushrooms, stirUntil mushrooms are wilted, add the flour, stir, move the pan.2 .. Pour the sauce slowly, stirring continuously, until the dough flat,bring to a boil. Please enter a spice mustard sauce, salt and pepper, stir, remove from heat. Chill.Blender.3 .. Sauteed mushrooms fry: Heat margarine until they are soft, sliced mushrooms aside.4 .. Completion: The soup in an ovenproof dish, set skip fungi,Close this section of the bowl with a sheet of puff pastry and bake until the doughmature. Serve.

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