Rabu, 28 April 2010

Indonesia Foods - Fresh shrimp recipes Palai

Fresh shrimp recipes Palai
* 500 grams of peeled shrimp pancetta skin all the back and sides * 5 c. Tablespoons oil * 1 teaspoon salt * 3 pieces pandan leaves is reduced by half * Banana leaves to taste
Spices are:
* 100 g grated coconut a little young * 2 tablespoons ground pepper * 4 pieces of red onion * 3 garlic cloves * Leaves 10-rulu rulu and replaced with fresh basil
How to: ARESEP shrimp Serundeng Share |
* 500g shrimp, peeled besranya * 100 g walnuts, coconut flakes * 1 egg white grains * 2 tablespoons lime juice * 1 teaspoon salt * Cooking oil 250ml * Taken sate taste
Spices are:
* 2 cm turmeric * 2 cm galangal * 3 garlic cloves * 2 c. Tsp coriander disangan * 1 teaspoon salt
How to:
* Enjoy the shrimp with lime juice for 10 minutes. Then, washed and drained. * Beat the eggs with the spices and refined which is then mixed with the shrimp. * Plug shrimp tails three to each bite. Then on top of a dry coconut roll, made it to the end. * Tropical Shrimp coconut oil, then roasted to slightly yellowish, made it to the end. Lift.
TIP Kitchen
* Mix, mix the eggs, spices, shrimp should be completely dry.
* Mix all ingredients well be divided into six sections * Spread the banana leaf, pandan leaves placed on him, then give a part of the shrimp, wrap it carefully Plot * charcoal grilled shrimp until cooked, then baked.

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