Selasa, 27 April 2010

Indonesia Fooods - Key original recipe meatballs mackerel

Key original recipe meatballs mackerel
Dumplings Ingredients:
300 g fish flesh mackerel, chopped finely
50 g starch (or until the dough is already a sufficiently thick sticks)
100 ml broth (broth with the bones of my time mackerel fish life)
1 tsp sesame oil EL
1 egg, beaten off
1 stalk spring onion
Pepper, salt, sugar to taste
Components of the peanut sauce:
300 g roasted peanuts
4 garlic cloves
red pepper to taste (about 5 large red chillies seeded, fruit, fresh red bell pepper 4 pieces. Or as sharpness deh.)
2 tablespoons powdered sugar
2 tablespoons salt
boiled water to taste
Additional documents:
Kol, yes hard and threw the bones Tebel
White Tofu
Cooked chicken egg
Soy sauce
1st Bumper ginned. Cut-perforated cylinder about 6 inches in height above the ground. Sliced potatoes are also wrong about deh.
Cut a triangle to each side 6 cm and scrape one of its sides. This diancurin dredged him, then mixing with pellets. Well, just feel a sense of pelletized materials already quite large sticks or not.
2nd Well, these dumplings dimasukkin continue the idea that masukkin dredging also adorn themselves, nor pake dibulet well Newsletter spoons continue to cook in boiling water until they are done. Sign up already cooked, this buletan float on the water.
3rd steamed cabbage, potatoes, Pare knew to do. Do not forget the plastic nets dandangnya stress resistant to heat, which can be steamed in order not to put in the cormorant networks.
4 Well, now make Yuk peanut sauce. pulverized peanuts until smooth, set aside. Chili and garlic until soft, mash them, then, with sugar and salt. Mix with nuts finely. Add water, if necessary, until the thin or thick as desired.
5th Serve meatballs Deh, cabbage, tofu, potatoes, Pare, and eggs. Add soy sauce and lime juice. And if it's not hot sauce (it's the Indonesian people, sweat is too sharp, hehe). ........... He received the fish flavor Huiiihhh Bener Bener mackerel. Not so the brother-brother. Or flour or meat taste. Fish meat Sukur Sukur, mackerel, meat flavor, a rat or lizard or even a cat

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